Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bed Rest days;; Still trying to make a living ??

Hello all !!! As I mentioned before, New years is right around the corner. I have many things to do, so little time! I've been busy trying to multitask, but with a little bouncy active person in my belly, that doesn't always get done..
Trying to find a Job as a SAHM isn't coming to well either. It doesn't seem as though any of my medical skills teching helps in any online field "/ So I've been trying to clean out my closet and put some stuff to sell online. I'm not getting much of  big amount but it's better than nothing, right?

I have many CD's that could get sold, but it's coming out to about 50 cents each. AHHHH !!! Not even close to half of what I paid for each ! I'm guessing maybe starting a little company to aid others. Maybe that can help me stay busy and earn a little living? Somehow, I'll figure it out. God made gave my husband and I this little blessing for a reason.

Many ideas, many ideas. But I surely want to do things right.

Anyone have a legitimate work from home job? "/

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